LF2 |
Special Ances Facial 特效暗瘡護理 |
內含有機草藥針對各種暗瘡,毛孔粗大, T位多油特別有效令肌膚回復天然嫩白 A special Facial(by rich harbel Ingredient to reduce oily skin problem,refine big pores & treat the ances)
1. 缷妝+洗面 (Cleansing) 2. 葡萄籽磨砂去死皮 (Grape seed peeling) 3. 針清去黑頭+離子噴霧 (Comedones Remove+steam) 4. 消炎療膚水 (Anti – Ance Essence) 5. 電療儀收毛孔 (High frequence Refine Pores) 6. 冰川泥清涼收毛孔面膜 (Cooling Mask) 7. 草本退印倒模 (Hardel Soft Modeling Mask) +淋巴肩頸舒緩按摩 (Lymphatic + Shoulder Movement)
8. 爽膚水+眼霜+面霜 (Tonic+Eye Cream+Lotion)